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Lucky charms! All you need to know …to avoid a second 2020!

Lucky charms! All you need to know …to avoid a second 2020!
26-01-2021 | Views: 1265

So apparently, searching for a lucky charm to brighten up your karma or change the vibes that 2020 left behind,
can lead you in many choices in our era.

It surely depends on the culture of the country that someone comes from as to what is considered to be lucky or unlucky but basically through the years some lucky charms have break the cultural barrier and have traveled the world.

It could be a horse petal or a four petal clover or a pomegranate or a rabbit foot (one that hopefully no rabbits died for). Or it could be something completely different that symbolizes the year that comes or the one that was left behind.  But why did people chose those things to be lucky for them…? Let’s see some weird stories about charms…!

The Lucky horse Petal

I don’t think that the human that invented the horse shoes would have ever imagined that his invention would end up being one of the most known lucky charms. But here we are and talismans in the shape of a horseshoe are everywhere to be found.

And the myth behind its origin will amaze you since it includes the Devil himself!

According to a 10th century myth saint Dunstan, an English bishop that ended up being one of the most famous saints in England, managed to defeat the devil.

Before he becomes a saint, Dunstan was working as a bishop when the devil one day entered his shop and asked him to shoe his horse. Dunstan pretended he did not recognize the devil and agreed to do so but when the time came instead of nailing the petal to the horses hoof he nailed it to the devils foot. The devil was in pain and asked from Dunstan to remove the shoe from his foot immediately. Making a deal with the devil Dunstan made the Devil promise that if he removed it then he would never again enter into the households that will have a petal hanged on their doors. The devil had no choice than to agree!


Was it vampires? I guess that’s the very first thing that someone could think of as a reason of why do humans consider garlic to be a lucky charm…”It repels vampires!!!”. But… the answer is nope. It was not vampires or at least not only vampires  the reason why!

It all started as a “witch hunt” somewhere in Galicia of Italy a long long time ago. In ancient Rome garlic was considered to ward off witches.

But that was not the case at all in Korean folklore tradition.
In their beliefs garlic was the best way to successfully get out alive if you meet a tiger.
Also in the Greek tradition garlic was casting away the evil spirits.

The Lucky black cat

Yes you read correctly! I wrote the” lucky black cat” and believe me when I say that I am really happy that that cute black fluffy kittens are not considered to bring bad luck everywhere in this world.

Japanese believe that  cats are lucky and represent good fortune and prosperity in business and they called that “fuku neko” ,which translates to “lucky cat”. Talismans of cats are all around Japanese tradition.  But when it comes especially to “black cats” talismans they are considered to protect from bad luck and from danger as well.

In other Japanese beliefs if you are a single lady and you own a black cat then it brings luck for you to get married and as a Japanese user of Quora states “In the Edo period there were some superstitions such as that you could recover from tuberculosis if you had a black cat as a pet”(!!O_0!!).

The four leaf clover

It’s not exactly clear why the four leaf clovers are considered to bring luck. There is a myth supporting that when Adam and Eve got kicked out of the paradise Eve decided to take a clover with her so that she can remember all this beauty that they had to leave behind.

In the Irish tradition though the clovers apart from bringing luck and health and wealth to the discoverer, they were also giving you the ability to be able to see fairies (!).

Even though he no longer holds the record anymore, George Kaminski  in 1995 had found  72.927 lucky clovers in total. All of them were gathered from prison yards while he was serving his jail time. A weird combination of luck one could say!

You survived 2020… but what’s your lucky charm for this year?

With 2020 nothing seemed to work or at least none of the known talismans and charms. So Nadia Valma Jewellery is wishing you a happy and lucky 2021… with our new “escaping prison days”  inspired lucky charm. Hopefully with our lucky charm your days in “quarantine prison” will soon be over.

2021 Lucky Charm 

As Written by : Lida Siskou